Kick 'em Jenny is a submarine volcano located 8km north of Grenada. The volcano is about 1300m high, and its summit is currently thought to be about 180m below the surface of the sea. As far as we know, Kick 'em Jenny is the only 'live' (likely to erupt again) submarine volcano in the Eastern Caribbean. It is also the most frequently active volcano in the region, erupting at least 12 times since it was discovered in 1939. The last eruption of Kick 'em Jenny occurred in December 2001. For details of that eruption go to news archives.
The volcano is currently at Alert Level ORANGE and there is 5km exclusion zone around the volcano.
Maritime interests have been told to strictly observe the Kick em’ Jenny Volcano Exclusion Zone of five kilometres around the summit of the volcano. (Picture compliments St Vincent and The Grenadines’ National Emergency Management Organisation.) - See more at:

Highly elevated level of seismic and/or fumarolic activity or other unusual activity. Eruption may begin with less than twenty-four hours notice.
Action by Scientists:
- All regional governments alerted through Disaster Coordinators and Venezuelan diplomatic missions. - Sauteurs Observatory continuously manned. - Continuous communication with NERO. (GRENADA and St. Vincent and the Grenadines). - Summit area under continuous visual surveillance. - Scientists and emergency personnel within exclusion zones maintain continuous contact with the Observatory.
Recommended action by Civil Authorities and the Public:
- Vulnerable communities advised of evacuation routes and transport put on standby. - Local radio stations in Grenada, St. Vincent, barbados and Trinidad placed on alert. - Public listens to local radio continuously for updates and visits the Seismic Research Unit website if possible. -All shipping stays outside the first exculsion zone (1.5km from the summit). - Non-essential shipping (pleasure craft etc) stays 5km clear of the summit (second exclusion zone). - Visiting scientists who are not taking part in essential monitoring are regarded as non-essential.
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