Nouvelles des Navigateurs

Ce blogue a été conçu par Nycole - VE2KOU et se veut un point de rencontre
entre les navigateurs, familles et amis du Réseau du Capitaine et de la CONAM.

jeudi 23 mai 2013

NYCTEA - Michel Danielle et l'équipage en navigation

Message eçu à 17h00

Position: 38°36.13'N - 041°42.69'W
Speed: 5.0
Direction: 076T
AT: 5/23/2013 - 7:58 PM UTC
Day 9 - Second Leg - May 23 2013 -Nautical miles traveled today - 167.5 - Total traveled: 1480.4 (yesterday's total should of read 1313.0

Weather - overcast with sunny periods - eerie looking sky as the front is still around use - seas, well let's just say it is hard to believe we are at sea as it is MORE then CALM. Winds averaged 3-5 kts throughout the day. Motoring since 9:00 am - did have a wonderful night of sailing.

We started off the morning with hoving to as we needed to make water and fill our reservoirs with some fuel and everyone took a nice hot showers. No sooner did everyone get settled back in that poof, the winds died. We are managing our fuel as we are now consuming our back up ... So on goes the motor but as oppose to motoring at 7 kts we are doing a meager 5. We are not the only ones in the fleet in the same position ... as though this can be a comfort zone of sorts.

So what do 4 people and one dog do to keep busy. We look out at the ocean and start imagining things; like ... are we really on the planet earth as we can see the ocean rolling off into somewhere - we are feeling almost suspended in air lost in the eerie looking sky.

If you see some zig zagging on our track that is because we were so bored that we started investigating these brown looking balls that were floating in the distance ... ended up being turtles who were more then likely just as bored as us ... so many turtles .

We then had a dolphin swim around the boat and do a little show for us and discovered some orange things floating around which ended up being some sort of jelly fish. Oscar had his hair brushed on deck and was actually playful.

Well that pretty much concludes the excitement on NYCTEA for today.

Crew is well and smiling.

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