Nouvelles des Navigateurs

Ce blogue a été conçu par Nycole - VE2KOU et se veut un point de rencontre
entre les navigateurs, familles et amis du Réseau du Capitaine et de la CONAM.

lundi 29 octobre 2012


MERCI mille fois à l'équipage de SUENO (David et Nathalie) pour le détail des formalités à compléter pour CURACAO

Here are two small maps of 1-The spanish water anchorage and 2- the different regulation offices in Willemstad, Curacao.

The day following your arrival in Spanish Water (the most recommended anchorage), WITH THE WHOLE CREW Take the local bus to Willemstad (0.90 U$) from the round about near the fishermen harbor (see Spanish Waters map).

Be carfull not to take a supermarket shuttle directly in the marina. You have to walk to the round-about (2 minutes). Schedule: 7:00, 8:00, 8:55,10:10, 12:15,13:15, 14:15, 15:10, 16:25, 17:25, 18:45...

Take that bus all the way to the terminus.

Follow the canal to the Custom offices (open 24/7) near the Venezuelian fruit/veg market.

Then walk to the rotating (floating) bridge and go on the other side of the river

Follow the shore of the river going toward the big blue and yellow bridge until you reach a small garding post on your right. They will ask for ID to let you enter the port and give you a paper for immigration to stamp.

Continue along the wharehouses (even if it looks abandonned) until you are further than the big blue yellow bridge pillars.

The immigration offices (7 days, 7:00 to 21:30) are in a greenish building right beside the Pilots bright yellow and blue building. THEY WILL ASK TO SEE THE WHOLE CREW.

You can then go next door (upstairs) in the Pilots house to get your cruising permit ($10, Monday to Friday 07:30 to 11:45 and 13:30 to 16.30 except Friday 16:00, closed on w-e).

THEY WILL ASK YOU TO TELL THEM WHERE YOU ARE ANCHORED AND WHERE YOU PLAN TO ANCHOR DURING YOUR STAY. There is no additional fee for changing spot but you are supposed to tell them ahead of time, everytime.

Also, to get internet in Spanish Waters, call SOL on channel 72, they charge 10U$ for a week, unlimited traffic and cheaper for a month.

Their home page (don't even need to have paid for internet to get them) is full of great info for cruisers:

(once you are connected to SOL wifi)

Hope this can help you folks and others.


The Sueno crew.

P.S. Please flag any innacuracies so that others can benefit from the updates.

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