Nouvelles des Navigateurs

Ce blogue a été conçu par Nycole - VE2KOU et se veut un point de rencontre
entre les navigateurs, familles et amis du Réseau du Capitaine et de la CONAM.

mercredi 14 septembre 2016

AMBITION - Merrill et Maryse quittent pour le SUD

Maryse and I almost complete in filing the boat up with food, supplies, safety equipment and spare parts.

By tomorrow, the mast will be back on deck. We expect to leave Plattsburgh evening of Sept 19th or early morning 20th. Until November 6 about, my cell phone will still active

As we head south you will be able to follow our adventures on the blog as long as we have a good internet connection. The link to the blog is:

As well when we are traveling, our satellite tracking system updates a web site every four hours (as long as we turn it on).

The attached link will open up with a google map and out=r position is superimposed on the map.

If you click on the any one of our location spots a pop-up will show you the date we were there and the MORE button will provide you with details about our direction, speed and attitude and longitude. There is also a feature of being able to send us a little text message if you click on “message” fill in the text message.

Please do not expect an immediate response as sometimes we are out of reach of a satellite for a few hours. The link for our InReach Tracker is:

We will love to hear from you either with your comments on the blog, InReach message or even by cell phone.


Merrill and Maryse

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