Nouvelles des Navigateurs

Ce blogue a été conçu par Nycole - VE2KOU et se veut un point de rencontre
entre les navigateurs, familles et amis du Réseau du Capitaine et de la CONAM.

jeudi 28 juin 2018


Notice to Mariners

New York State Canal System

June 28, 2018

Mariners are advised that all auxiliary vessels (tenders, dinghies, kayaks, jetskis, etc.) on board or being towed behind yachts are to have the cell phone number associated with the yacht attached and in an obvious location on the auxiliary vessel so that in the rare instance that an auxiliary vessel becomes inadvertently and unknowingly separated from the yacht, that first responders are not diverted from other duties for an unnecessary rescue search for the non-existent crew of a seemingly abandoned vessel.

Furthermore, it is always recommended that all vessels at lock, lift bridge, and terminal walls along the canal system have a cell phone number associated with the vessel posted in a window or windshield near the helm when there is no one on board.

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12:11:40PM 6/28/18

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