Nouvelles des Navigateurs

Ce blogue a été conçu par Nycole - VE2KOU et se veut un point de rencontre
entre les navigateurs, familles et amis du Réseau du Capitaine et de la CONAM.

dimanche 19 mai 2013

NYCTEA - Danielle et l'équipage en navigation

Position: 35°32.00'N - 053°11.00'W
Speed: 7.4
Direction: 093T
AT: 5/19/2013 - 8:20 PM UTC

Next way point
  The current is all over the place according to the file you sent - we will just have to go with it. We have chosen to stay in the 35 degree range as oppose to going higher for the time being. Today the winds have been turning causing alot of sail adjustments and a rougher ride. We are trying to make as much headway as possible bearing in mind the ease on the boat and her equipment as well as the crew. Your buoyweather was accurate once again.

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